Friday, December 9, 2022

Choice and Circumstance

Raindrops touch the puddles on the pavement,

Rhythmic, with the rings they make expanding,

Mixing with the ripples from the breezes

Blowing over top the water’s standing.

How we touch the world through each decision

Chooses where our waves begin their growing,

Broader forces bend the seas around us,

So we must adapt and go on flowing.


I didn't get around to posting a poem last weekend, mostly because I had spent the prior week in Ghana and was traveling back to Kenya. Now, less than a week later, I'm sitting in the Nairobi airport again, getting ready to fly to the US for Christmas. Getting the opportunity to do all this traveling has made me think about how the forces in our lives - including both our own decisions and the broader contours that affect things beyond our control - move us around and provide us with so many different experiences. At the moment, I'm really looking forward to the experience of being home in Pennsylvania for the next few weeks! 

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