Sunday, November 17, 2019

The Angel of the Sounds of Night

When all the sounds collect
Between my listening ears,
More wonderful than I expect
Are harmonies, and she appears,
Allaying all my fears.
Arrayed in rainbow light
That swallows up my stagnant tears,
She hovers in her dreamlike flight,
Inspiring me to write
The growing melody
That echoes through the mystic night
Behind the silence, setting free
A creativity
That rushes to the Earth.
All manner of what’s heavenly
Arise to greet the new dawn’s birth
And share their songs with me.

This poem speaks to the creative inspiration I often feel at night, arising from inside my heart as well as from the outside world around me. I sometimes feel as if the music and poetry I write already exists before I put it to paper - my role is simply to find and share it. 

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