Saturday, October 26, 2019

Earthbound Angels

To look upon what’s heavenly
Is not so rare as I once thought,
For here your mortal angels live,
Revealing what your unbound soul has wrought.
And all the love that touches me
Is more than I deserve,
And more than I can ever give
If I could even find the nerve
To follow every word
And render each desire deferred
An offering to you.
But even these I struggle mightily to do.
So, if you may extend your mercy
Another measure more,
I’ll try again to find what’s truly
Everything we’re hoping for.
I’ll watch the angels everywhere
And, grateful for their humble hearts,
Surrender all my hopes of heaven
Rewarding me for any parts
I’ve played in some redemption,
As if what little I may offer
Demands a pardoning exemption
From all the weight of all my wrongs.
Perhaps with that I’ll see
The freeing liberation of
Our souls’ equality
Existing in your overwhelming grace.
Perhaps the sins that scar each face
Will drown in your infinity.
I’m not the one to say.
I’ve known my own proclivity
To want to save the world today,
Perhaps to gain some future destiny.
The truer angels see
We’re all as one,
And none can lay a stronger claim
Regardless of the work that has been done.
It seems to me, if I am comprehending,
The only way to bring salvation
Is love that goes beyond myself completely,
Enriching what surrounds my own creation.
When all the heart is bent on that,
The sparks of heaven may appear.
My own attempts are clumsy yet.
Perhaps with time I’ll shed my cloak of fear.
It’s then the better angels of the soul
Emerge and, in the process, heal us whole.

With all of the negative news that seems to plague every day, it can be easy to forget that there are so many good people working, without much recognition, to do what they can to make this world a better place. This poem is about them - and about the example they set for us all.

1 comment:

  1. John...there is no doubt that you have made this world a better place...and you will continue to do so.
