Sunday, October 13, 2019

When Little Birds Will Sing Again

The shell has newly been discarded.
Now the baby bird’s begun
To follow where her mother goes
And leave the nest to brave the sun.
For though their home seems safe today,
Tomorrow brings uncertainty.
The mother knows they cannot stay,
And so she leads her babe away,
Traversing what the paths may be
Where other mothers brought their young
Over field and under tree
To a stream where songs are sung
Of safer lives and greater harmony.
But sometimes songs are not reality.
Upon arriving at the stream
And crossing to an unfamiliar land,
A falling hand awakes a scream
As it plucks the babe from off the sand
And traps it in a cage
Where other captive children wait,
Uncertain what the future’s page
Will soon reveal about their fate.
The mother wishes to assuage
The fear her little one is feeling,
But she is barred from coming near
And offering a bit of healing.
I cannot say, with conscience clear,
The falling hand’s in no way linked to me.
It claims to act for my security.
For where’s the danger in these baby birds
Who simply wish to sing their mothers’ words?
So I will sing my little rhyme
As clearly as I can
To call our hearts, until a time
Shall come when little birds will sing again.

This poem is about an issue that's been on my mind for a long time. It was a major news story several months ago, but I think more recent events have pushed it out of the public focus. 

1 comment:

  1. I will be interested to hear about your inspiration for this. It brings to mind, what appears to be, the increased amount of wildlife being forced to cross unfamiliar roads to discover new territory as the pipeline work continues to disrupt their environment.
