Saturday, December 12, 2020

Waking to a Sliver of the Moon

Rise today to greet the morn before the dawn

When skies are dark and stars are bright and streets are still,

As the city sleeps, still hot without the sun,

While memories of dreams before deflect the quill

Which writes of present day.

Like a freshly filed fingernail, austere,

A sliver of the moon appears without a flaw.

Almost all in shadow, lunar light shines clear.

What little of this world I’ve known, I stand in awe,

And so I hope to stay.



This was another poem I wrote while in Ghana. Actually, this one came about very early in the trip. The morning after I arrived in Accra, the capital city, I needed to wake up very early for another flight to the northern part of the country, where we were working. As I was going to the airport, I saw a very thin crescent moon in the sky - very close to a new moon, but a small sliver of the surface was still shown in light. I wrote this poem during that morning's short flight.

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