Saturday, December 21, 2019

To Melt and Freeze Again in Time

The climbing sun begins to melt the ice
That covers up the path I walk today.
The spreading liquid slides itself away
And wonders if this freedom has a price.

In time, it joins a cyclical array
Of vapor, cloud, and rain in warmer parts,
As stars look down on all the grateful hearts
Who thank the light for water as they pray.

In time, a new returning journey starts
To bring it back to its beginning place,
Refreezing in the falling night’s embrace.
I stay and gain the wisdom it imparts:

In time, it will be gone without a trace,
Except for all the lives it touched
As it traversed this space.

As temperatures hover around the freezing point, I've been intrigued by the way that ice melts during the day as the sun shines, then the liquid water moves through the world, and it eventually refreezes in the evening, as the sun goes down. To some degree, I feel like this cycle reflects our own lives. We are born, we interact with the world, and then, after a time, we leave - and those interactions are what we leave behind.

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